Sunday, March 22, 2009

Week 3 training plan

Monday: rest (which is good, because it is supposed to rain. While I know I should train in ALL kinds of weather, I don't think rain at this point would do good things for my motivation! And I lack good rain equipment.)

Tuesday: 3 miles

Wednesday: Cross-training (I'll be doing some strength and pilates exercises)

Thursday: 4 miles

Friday: Cross-training (Probably. If we go to the zoo, I'll be walking!)

Saturday: 5 miles (huh, that is what I did for week 2!)

Sunday: 3 miles


  1. Sounds like you're doing great. =) I am assuming you have a mileage pedometer ~ or at least a regular one?

  2. Well...I have a pedometer, but I don't know exactly where it is...

    I have been using gmaps pedometer to track my milage.
